If you are looking for a church family, we hope you will take just a moment to look over our website and perhaps listen to a message to get a better feel for what Grace is all about. We have two identical services for your convenience, and we would love to have you visit us on a Sunday morning!

No matter your background, you will find it easy to fit into Grace, as we have people from all walks of life here. The people are friendly, and the fellowship is warm. What has drawn us together is a commitment to God’s Word being preached and taught at all age levels and a response in contemporary heartfelt worship that includes great hymns redone with a modern feel by our Praise Team.
You can typically expect to hear messages that are expositions of various books of the Bible, with an occasional short series on essential topics.
Since our primary goal for us is to impact our entire world for Christ, you can also expect to hear a good deal about our mission work and various groups that we support.
Book of Genesis
Genesis is a book that tackles several of mankind’s oldest and most profound questions: What is the origin of the universe? How did life begin on earth? Why is there evil in our world? These are important questions because the answers that Genesis offers are meant to shape our worldview and the manner in which we live. However, most of Genesis is dedicated to revealing God’s intervention in our fallen world to bring about a solution to the problem of evil. Genesis explains that God’s plan involved choosing Abraham and making a covenant with him and blessing him and his descendants so as to create the nation of Israel. And through Israel would then come blessing to all the nations—something realized with the birth of Jesus, who would bring the hope of salvation to all people.